Thursday, February 17, 2011

State Animal and State Bird of Chhattisgarh

The wild buffalo is the state animal of chhatisgarh. The average wild buffalo weighs weight 800-1200 kg. It is a powerful animal, with the widest horn span of any bovid-more than 2 m. Its preferred habitats are lowlying alluvial grasslands and their surroundings. It Survives mainly on grass and leafy aquatic vegetation. In india, wild buffalos are now largely restricted to Assam and Chhatisgarh, althoug most, if not all, are belived to have interbred with domestic and/or feral buffalo. 

Chhatisgarh's state bird, the hill mynah (gracula religiosa) is found mainly in the indian subcontinent.It sports an overall green-glossed black plumage, purple-tinged on the head and neck. There are large white wing patches which are obvious in flight. At 29 cm in lenght, it is somewhat larger than the common mynha. The bill and legs are bright yellow, and there are yellow wattles on the nape and under the eye.